Sunday, November 11, 2012

Training right now + Random thoughts

This is a blog. You should know how it works- I write, you (hopefully) read. All is well.

Moreover, I'm looking at this as a combination training log/blog/anything else that strikes my interest, from science to dog rescue to music and back. Who knows. Sort of a Fitness blog that's not actually about fitness.

I'm definitely not a fan of the typical internet fitness machismo nonsense, but I do like to swear. It's a bit of an issue. So no promises on SFW content, but I doubt it'll get ridiculous. If you want to look at boobs, I trust you can find them on your own.

With that outta the way, here's what I'm doing right now for training, in no particular order.


Common themes my of training lately

- Training is every day (some way, some how)

- Rotate between a small number of workouts (2-3 usually) and a small number of loading parameters (usually 1-3)

- Every day, work up to the daily Minimum/TM

         - I set the daily minimum as 90% of whatever my trending max on that lift is, and try and make it as "form police" friendly as I can. Benches have a pause, Squats have a slow descent or brief pause, Deads are done hook grip, etc.
         - If 90% feels good, I'll continue onto a max but worry more about getting the weight up. Touch and go bench, strap up for deads, etc.

- After the TM, drop down and do some volume work... somehow. Current favourites are 70% and 50% of my trending PR for the lift in question, depending on rep range/goal.

- Try and hit everything every session... in some form or another. So a Squat, a Press, something off the floor  (or similar), some kind of pull and some kind of Trunk/Carry work.

Guidelines for this particular training cycle

- Rotating between 3 workouts:
         - Squat, Push Press + Assorted OL stuff
         - Deadlift (Deficit), Press and Squat
         - Front Squat, Bench and Stiff Leg DL

- M-W-F are the heavy (and I use the term loosely) days
         - After the TM, reduce to 70% and do sets of 3-5. Squat + DL stuff I usually cut the set when it stops looking pretty, Presses I'll take closer to failure. Either way, 5 reps = add weight. 3-4 reps stays the same, less than 3 = reduce weight. Using Prilepin's table as a rough guideline this usually works out to 3-6ish sets between 70 and 85%.
        - Having finished that, if I'm feeling randy I'll drop to 50% and do a rep set or two.
        - Skip most of that for the third lift and just work up to 70% for some sets of 2-3. OL stuff I just dick around based on where I am and how I feel.
        - Follow up with assistance work for balance and for filling in the blanks.

- T-R-Sa are light days (again, using the term loosely)
         - After the TM, drop to 70% for sets of 3 if I want. If not, I don't.
         - Any Deads that fall on these days get turned into OL stuff instead (mostly).
         - Light assistance on stuff that's not going to make me sore.
         - Follow up with ~30 min conditioning

- Sunday I just get under a bar and mess around for a few minutes.

Thoughts and Rationale:

First off, I know what you're thinking and no. This is not a "Bulgarian" program. I'm not Bulgarian, nor am I a weightlifter, nor does it bear many of the hallmarks of a "Bulgarian" program. There are some definite "Bulgarian" influences, just as the experienced observer will note some heavy "Russian"/"Sheiko" influences and some "Chinese" sprinkled in there for good measure as well.
                 Note: The use of quotations just means that I'm loosely generalizing based on the common internet perception of what that training entails and presumes no actual knowledge of what goes on in the relevant national programs.

So let's call it "Russo-Sino- Bulgarian style programming with North American and assorted European Influences". There, everybody loses.

I'm also firmly of the opinion that these arbitrary differences that exist between the various ways to approach training are just that- arbitrary, and not that important. A lot of people would not hesitate to call what I'm doing a "Bulgarian" program, yet a program with a lot of low rep, sub max sets between 70-85% percent pretty much covers the majority of strength programs out there, from Sheiko and Smolov to 5x5. Common themes matter, not the nit picky names we assign to particular variations.
I train frequently because I like it, and so does my body and despite what the hardgainer ad copy would have you believe, it is really not that hard to do. All it requires is that you handle the business when it comes to eating and sleeping enough and hold off on the heavy metal/ammonia/silly pump up routines. Show up, pick stuff up and the results are impressive.
How impressive? Well, my results since I got back on this style of routine mid summer have gone something like:

Squat (HB, Beltless)- First day max was 145kg, most recent PR 185kg
Front Squat- First day max was around 125kg, most recent PR 160kg
Bench Press- Started at 120kg, most recent PR 137.5kg
Push Press- Started at 80kg, most recent PR 102.5kg
Press- from 70 to 85kg.

Now to be fair, some of this is regaining strength I lost due to totally backing off the weights after nationals in April. But a significant portion is "real" gain as well- I have never gotten close to 185 HB beltless, for example or gotten more than 145kg on the Front squat without having to put a belt on. And all trending maxes for presses right now are lifetime PR's.

This particular program is aimed at trying to pack a little beef on the cart and provide some contrast following up 8ish weeks of more "frequent" lifting (ie: I'm still training daily but did volume every day vs the 3 days a week I'm doing now). I was intending to peak for a meet on December 1 but decided against it. I have been, to be honest, setting essentially the same total for the last year or so and to say I'm getting a little tired of it would be an understatement. I'm onto the daily training thing, and things are moving along nicely now (finally!) so I plan to wait until I'm well and truly stronger before I head into a meet again. If things keep progressing as they are now, that shouldn't be too long.

That concludes rambling for now.

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